Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In the beginning...

It's the beginning of a new day and the beginning of a new blog as well as the beginning of a new career move for me. Yesterday I had a call for the Pittsburg School of Design Online program director. It seems I made and impression and have been accepted into the digital design program! After 20 years of teachig others to be creative, I will now have that same chance to find the creative spark within me. As a high school senior I applied to this school, was accepted, recieved a variety of scholarships to pay my way. through a series of unfortunate events I was unable to fulfill that dream. here it is--30 years later-- and I now get to have that dream fulfilled!
I hope to log my journey on ths spot and keep everyone updated on my progress to becoming a digital/comercial design artist.
Many blessings until tomorrow,

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